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Known Facts About Female Viagra

Known Facts About Female Viagra - Generic Villa

Viagra for Girls For incraese Libido

When it comes to intimacy and mating; both men and women have different preferences and choices, “Female Viagra”. This drug has been confused as a female version of Viagra, a drug used for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction.  As per experts, the term “female Viagra” does not suit the medicine, as both the medications are different mechanisms of working. Therefore, the name given to the medicine for female sexual dysfunction is only for making it popular.

What does female Viagra take care of?

Flibanserin is a non-hormonal medication that is helpful for women suffering from low sex drive. It is the best friend of women suffering from HSDD. It is useful in cases of low sex drive due to distress, anxiety, or depression.

The important thing to note is that not every woman with a low libido suffers from HSDD. If the feeling of low or no interest in sex exceeds more than 6 months or you are not experiencing pleasure from any form of intimacy then you may be suffering from HSDD.

The root cause of HSDD is not very clear, however, it is mostly the psychological trauma or relationship troubles that lead to this disorder.  For more information on the subject, you can contact your doctor.

Flibanserin, the medicine for treating female sexual disorders, also helps in treating HSDD, hypoactive sexual desire disorder. This is a mental disorder, wherein the patients have a low sex drive or libido. Most women suffer from this disorder and the main causes of HSDD are stress and anxiety. For women who want to use this medication, they need to keep some points in mind.

The main side effects of flibanserin

The common side effects, which you may experience by the use of flibanserin, are:

It is not at all sensible to consume alcohol if you are taking flibanserin or you have some liver issues. If you think you need the medicine then visit a doctor first, do not consume the medicine on your own.

Your doctor will check your whole medical history and prescribe the drug accordingly. Flibanserin has many cases of drug interactions, so you may not want to take the medicine just like that.

Drug interactions

The main drug interactions of flibanserin are with the following medicines:

Should I try female Viagra Lovegra/flibanserin?

According to the studies, only 10% of women suffering from low libido actually have HSDD. And, not every woman suffering from a lower sex drive needs medication to cope with it. The medication may be helpful in gaining back the desire for intimacy and lovemaking but that is not your only option. The medicine is given to the extreme cases of HSDD. In addition, the medicine does not work in a blink of an eye, you will not experience improvements in libido as soon as you pop in the medicine. It may take weeks to show results. Also, the drug is not alone going to change your condition, a combination of stress level, anxiety, mood, and partner determines the sex drive. Every woman is different and may see different results with the medication. So, the success rate of medicine varies for different women.

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