The medical name for acne is Acne vulgaris. The presence of pimples, blackheads and whiteheads, on the skin all signifies acne. The most common spot that is used for breakouts is the face, shoulders, back, and chest. Though mild acne can enhance the treatments over-the-counter, more harsh types should be treated by a dermatologist. Acne is a natural skin disease that usually affects most people at a point. It causes oily skin, spots and often the skin that is painful or hot to touch.
Types of spot
Six major spots are caused by acne:
- Papules: small red bumps that might feel sore or tender.
- Cysts: The harshest kind of spot that is caused by acne and they are big pus full with lumps that looks the same with boils, and they carry the highest risk of becoming permanent marks.
- Blackheads: Small black bumps that grow beneath the skin, they don’t have pus inside but they are black because the hair follicle’s inner lining brings about pigmentation (coloring).
- Pustules: They look like papules, but they appear with a white tip in the middle caused by the accumulation of pus.
- Whiteheads: They also have almost the same looks with blackheads but might be a string and empty when squeezed.
- Nodules: Big hard bumps that grow beneath the skin surface and come with lots of pain.
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What can I do if I find out I have acne?
Though one can’t cure acne completely, it can be controlled with some medications and treatment. If you have mild acne, it is perfect when you speak with your pharmacist for advice. Different creams, gels, and lotions used for treating spots are gotten to buy from the pharmacist.
When to go medical attention?
If you notice that you have mild acne, discuss it to your pharmacist to treat over-the-counter. If these do not control your acne, or its making you feel like not happy, check your GP. Be cautious and resist the urge to pick or squeeze your spots, as this might cause a permanent scar. Treatments can over three months before you start seeing results, so do not expect to see any result overnight. Immediately they start working; the results are very good.
Why am I having acne?
Acne is linked commonly to hormonal changes during puberty, but it can start within any age range. Certain hormones cause the gland that brings about grease next to hair follicles to bring about large amounts of oil (abnormal sebum). The abnormal sebum changes activities of a normal skin benign called P.acnes which becomes more invasive and causes pus and inflammation. This hormone thickens the hair follicle’s inner lining causing the pores to be blocked. Cleaning the skin does not assure the removal of this blockage.
Other Likely Causes
Acne is believed to be hereditary. If both your parents have acne, it is more likely for you to have acne. Hormonal changes such as the ones happening during the time of menstrual cycle or pregnancy which also tend to episodes of acne in women. There is a support that supports poor hygiene, diet; sexual activity has a role in acne.